Hypnosis is widely used to treat psychosomatic problems as a very effective therapy. Hypnotherapy has been proved to be very successful in cases of enhancing performance, willpower and confidence as well as treating depression and anxiety.

Modern hypnotism owes its origins to the Austrian physician Franz Anton Mesmer, from whose name the term ‘mesmerise’ is derived, who used a form of laying on of hands to bring about an altered state of consciousness in his patients. It was in 1960s, when all forms of alternative medicine began to be taken seriously, that hypnotherapy was revived as a healing tool.

Hypnosis is a form of deep relaxation which induces the “alpha” state in the brain. As has been scientifically proven, effective healing of both mind and body takes place in alpha state and during this state, the hypnotherapist gives positive suggestions to the brain and the brain starts executing these positive suggestions.

Researches have found that during a hypnotic session, the breathing rate and the heartbeat slows down, blood pressure drops and the production of stomach acid (gastric juice) is reduced. In addition to it, no stress hormones are released into the bloodstream. These scientific findings make it clear why hypnosis is an ideal tool to alleviate various problems. Scientists at Standford University of California, tested the brainwaves of the hypnotised subjects using EEG, an apparatus which records electrical activity of the brain.

In hypnosis, brain emits alpha waves, which denote “a mentally alert but physically relaxed state”. This contrasts strongly to the waves emitted when the subject is asleep, in which all the waves are completely relaxed representing “no conscious mental alertness”, hence, generally the concept in general people’s mind that hypnotic state is only sleep is proved wrong.

We all switch in and out of hypnosis several times in a day, quite naturally and automatically. A hypnotist helps you achieve a trance-like state on purpose rather than leaving it to chance. During hypnosis, a person directs his/her attention inwards. Even though you are aware of where you are and who is with you, you just connect with the positive suggestions the therapist is giving. The therapist only facilitates hypnosis, it is the subject who goes into hypnosis. This is why it is explained, “All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.”

In modern scientific world, hypnosis is being used as an effective healing therapy to cure psychosomatic problems. Many fears and phobias are treated through hypnosis and so far hypnotherapy is working wonders in the cases of depression and stress-related problems.

In facilitating hypnotherapy, I have been fortunate to acknowledge the amazing healing results.



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