Using hypnotherapy to tap into the amazing resource that is the power of your mind, will help you improve the quality of your thinking, feeling and choices, in turn improving the quality of your life.
We all know what it feels like to be nervous – about an exam, job interview, important speech, a big date or some other life event. However, excessive and ongoing anxiety can hold you back at work, stop you doing things you’d like to do, interfere with social and family relationships, and undermine confidence and self-esteem.
Thoughts are one of the most powerful influences on your mood and emotions, if not the most powerful influence. This doesn’t mean that situations themselves are not good or bad, easy or hard. But how you think about difficult situations determines how you respond emotionally.
Hypnotherapy offers an effective way of calming the mind and body systems, introducing new messages and response patterns that support calm, confident strategies to help you change your thoughts and your experience. It is a powerful way of releasing old ways of focusing and creating new more positive elements of experience to focus on that help you feel better and stronger.
The more you can generate helpful thinking patterns that improve your mood, the more helpful neurotransmitters you are likely to produce. These are your body’s natural feel good chemicals. Learning how to turn off the ‘fight or flight’ response in the brain reprograms the over sensitized hormonal and nervous systems in the body, thereby allowing recuperation and relaxation to evolve instead.
It is important to consult your doctor or psychologist, to rule out other possible causes, or to seek help for severe anxiety disorders. However, adding hypnotherapy into the treatment management plan you develop in consultation with your health care provider, will speed up the positive results that you achieve.