100% SAFE  100% NATURAL  100% EASY


  • NO nasty smoking side effects
  • NO pills or supplements
  • NO nausea
  • NO headaches
  • NO patches
  • NO additional costs
  • NO homework
  • NO extra weight



For years now I’ve been sharing this powerful Stop Smoking program with people just like yourself.   You may have heard about hypnotherapy or of my services from a friend or colleague that has  had success – but still need a little convincing or just want to know a little more before you decide to break up with your smoking relationship.



The thought of Stop Smoking can be so overwhelming … and you are not alone ….. it can be like being stuck in a state of fear…but what if…..you are

 ….  already hypnotised ….. to keep Smoking!


Think about it!   SMOKING is really a very HYPNOTIC habit!!!…….. lifting a hand to your mouth 200 times a day …….body inhaling in fumes ……. media washed….. mental and dirty chemical trick ….….gmo’d……. making the body sick ….…what keeps you stuck …… drags you down….. stealing your  time, strength, money and oxygen ……life force ……and really …… what for…..!!

Smoking is stopped so easily by the very part of you that is helping you to Smoke…. your powerful sub-conscious mind.

Hypnotherapy just makes Simple sense.

This simple Method combines your Stop Smoking Intention with advanced Quantum Hypnosis, Visualisation, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) = Your easy Success.

This Easy method will do all the work for you – as resonated in the results of hundreds I have applied it to.   Clear the old paradigms of  “I don’t have enough will power to stop”  etc  – just Relax  –  and let your subconscious take care of it.


Being once a smoker just like you –  made strong my passion for research and the digging deep  into the smoking habit and patterns …..  and since I’ve been made only more aware of the many hidden tricks and deceit of the man-made marketed cigarette  eg. media,  FSC, I am more than ever wanting stuck smokers to break free and get control back into their life.

Your reasons to smoke ….. are old, boring, tired and yesterday!

Marian Cameron




Want improved health and energy – breathing clearly, freshly and feeling better about yourself than you have in years…….perhaps

  • Fresh energy restored back to your life and family
  • That amazing feeling of achieving control that ultimate goal
  • Never again trying to hide your habit or removing yourself from social situations


This Stop Smoking Program has worked for THOUSANDS of SMOKERS.  I have so much confidence in this therapy, that if you don’t Stop Smoking in one session – you are invited back within the month as many times as you feel you need the support or until you have made your money back – complementary!

marian cameron stop smoking3

0413 367 099         (08) 9300 3073


95% success rate of a “Stop Smoking In One Hour” technique –  Report by Michael O’Driscoll. 300 subjects followed up by telephone over a two year period. Although this was not considered a scientific clinical trial it does support the high success rates claimed for hypnotherapy as an effective method for stopping smoking.

94% 1000 people stop smoking with hypnotherapy for 18 months or more.  Von Dedenroth, T (1968) American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis

88% Success with hypnotherapy based on one years’ follow up.  Kline, M.(1970) International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis

67% – 88% Published research findings by Watkins, Sanders and Hall for Hypnotherapy.

60% Single session hypnosis using latest relaxation methods

30% Suggestion hypnosis only or just listening to cassette tapes.

29% Exercise and breathing therapy

25% Aversion therapy

24% Acupuncture

20% Nicotine patches + seeing a counsellor

10% Nicotine gum

6% Will power alone


*The above table based on information in the New Scientist article of 31st October 1992,Vol 136  and in the book Stop Smoking in One Hour:  published by John Blake Publishing


What happens to your self healing body when you stop smoking

Within 20 mins – blood pressure back to normal

After 8 hours – oxygen levels return to normal

After 24 hours – all CO is eliminated

After 48 hours – nicotine is eliminated

After 72 hours – breathing easier

After 2-12 months – circulation improves

After 3-9 months – lung function up by 10%

After 5 years – risk of lung cancer decrease

After 10-15 yrs – lung cancer risk to normal


0413 367 099        (08) 9300 3073


(Latest medical evidence from American chest physicians)

“Hypnotherapy patients are more likely to be non-smokers”   Hospitalized patients who smoke may be more likely to quit smoking through the use of hypnotherapy than patients using other smoking cessation methods. A new study presented at CHEST 2007, the 73rd annual international scientific assembly of the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), shows that smoking patients who participated in one hypnotherapy session were more likely to be non-smokers at 6 months compared with patients using nicotine replacement therapy alone or patients who quit ‘cold turkey’




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